Episode 43: Livestreaming on Twitch to Create Community with Brady Simpson


Brady Simpson is a Master’s Graduate from the University of Lethbridge and a Twitch streamer. Don’t know what Twitch is? It’s a livestreaming platform where people stream themselves playing video games, playing music, hosting talk shows, and much more. Brady specifically streams Guild Wars II, a MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game). In this episode, we talk about the challenges he had to go through to complete his Master’s degree, as well as the amazing international connections that he’s built through streaming on Twitch, including a number of his viewers coming to watch his thesis defense!


Highlights & Takeaways

  • Brady being diagnosed with ADHD in the middle of his Master’s program and how his perception on ADHD shifted from it being some horrible thing to how it’s something extremely common and normal. 

  • When Brady messaged his professor saying he was quitting, he received this message: “I support you either way, but I want you to know that I hope that someday you see in your yourself again, what I see in you.”

  • How he grew his Twitch livestreaming audience from 0 viewers to averaging over 75 viewers regularly 

  • He ended up meeting some of his viewers in-person when he travelled, and how they became close friends that supported him during his challenges 

  • “You'll find your people. You'll find your tribe. The number one thing is to not let that fear hold you back and understand that you're gonna get rejected sometimes. But every rejection is getting you one step closer to building that community and finding those connections and then ultimately stay consistent.”

 Resources Mentioned


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Music by Meghan Rennie - Instagram / Soundcloud

Watch my TEDx Talk: How to Find Excuses to Connect

Email: richard@excusestoconnect.com

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